Our objectives

The objectives of Waterwise are to establish and develop

  • Self confidence
  • Water safety
  • Swimming and fitness
  • Rowing, canoeing and yachting skills

Waterwise is a purely voluntary organisation with a core of people who train parents to give them the necessary skills to pass on to pupils from member schools. To ensure standards are maintained Yachting N.Z. appoints examiners who must undertake additional training. We cater for varying interests and abilities- by planning sequential learning activities for each child.

We place enjoyment, understanding of a water environment, awareness of personal limitations and knowledge of conditions, which would cause danger, ahead of competitive endeavour. Waterwise operates in primary and intermediate schools, during school hours. This ensures that pupils receive a minimum of three half-day sessions a term during the first and fourth terms.

We encourage pupils to enjoy the marine environment of N.Z. safely and promote conservation, self-responsibility and common sense. Waterwise is not a learn to sail programme – it is a programme which operates in schools to promote confidence in the marine environment through education and a thorough understanding of water safety principals.

Members of each Waterwise Centre Board of Management meet periodically to share information, develop ideas and make improvements. They formed The N.Z. Schools Waterwise Society Inc. to help raise additional funding to promote the Waterwise concept throughout N.Z.