How it all started

Waterwise was conceived on April 1980 on the shores of Lake Pupuke, Auckland, during a school-working bee.  The principal of Milford Primary School and a group of parents had a vision, which after many hours of voluntary work would see the formation of The Pupuke Schools Waterwise Society.  Representatives from six member schools, the Education Department, Yachting N.Z., the Water Safety Council and local service organisations and businesses worked together to provide yachts, kayaks, patrol boats, life jackets and other facilities.

The society was incorporated in February 1982 and commenced operation in October that year.  In April of 1983 the late Diana, Princess of Wales officially opened the Pupuke Waterwise Centre.

There are nine Waterwise centres across Auckland catering for over 4000 pupils per year.  We also have centres at Great Barrier and Whenuakite and a number in varying forms throughout New Zealand.